Have a question or are you confused? Here are some top recycling tips. Let’s begin with the basics.
Recycling Tips and FAQs
Be sure to know what you are allowed to put in your recycle bin.
There are three main types of materials: paper and cards; plastics; and cans, tins and foils (metallic). These are the only items you should recycle – dry, clean, and loose.
You should place all items in your recycling bin neatly, dry, and loose.
Rinse all food or liquids out of your packaging and allow them to dry. Next, empty any liquids bottles that were used in the home and seal them. Then, take the items apart and put them in the bin.
You can put the right thing in your right bin.
Every recycling, general waste, and compost bin has its own job. Each year, recycling facilities see as much as 20% of recyclable material go into the general waste bin and as many non-recyclable items going into the recycling bin. Check out rubbish-taxi.ie for guidance on the right bin to put your item in.
View rubbish-taxi.ie.
You are struggling to find space in your recycling container?
Recyclables should only be put in the recycle bin. Don’t pack them in plastic bags or flatten boxes. If you have limited space, your contractor will likely provide another recycling bin for a small fee.
You don’t have labels or lids to take off.
These items can be left on your recycling, and they will be recycled.
Your electrical items can be recycled for free
WeEE recycling points are available all across the country. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment is an acronym for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. It includes items that are powered by a battery, or have a plug. You should not place these items in your recycle bin, as they may contain hazardous components. If you’re looking for a new appliance, WEEE material can be exchanged at any local electrical supplies store. Or it can be taken to your local recycle centre. Further details can be found at WEEE Ireland’s website or on rubbishtaxi.ie
Shoes and clothes should not go in the recycling.
You should not place shoes or clothes in your recycling bin. You can recycle clothing that is not usable. It is possible for clothing to get caught around machinery parts, causing problems at recycling facilities.
Locate your local bottle bank and civic amenity site.
Locate your local bottle bank and civic amenity sites. Search for your nearest recycle centre (civic Amenity Site), bring bank or lightbulb drop off location on rubbish-taxi.ie.