How to Clean a Mattress

How to Clean a Mattress

You are making a significant investment in a mattress. It is important to ensure that it lasts. Mattresses can harbor dust mites, dead skin, dirt, and other debris, which means they need to be cleaned regularly–particularly if you suffer from allergies, have pets, or are just an avid midnight snacker.

It’s much easier than you think to clean a mattress. Here are nine easy steps to keep your mattress clean for many years of relaxing. These are the best tips to take good care of your mattress, so that you can rest easy.

1. Get your mattress cleaning supplies

You will need to have certain materials at your disposal in order to deep clean a mattress. Get ready:

  • A vacuum equipped with an upholstery attachment
  • Use dish soap or an enzyme cleaner to remove stains
  • Laundry detergent
  • baking soda
  • Cleaning cloths
  • Cold water

2. Wash all bedding and strip the bed

While you are cleaning your mattress, take out the sheets, pillowcases and covers. To get rid of dust mites, wash all bedding in hot water. You may also be able wash the pillows depending on what type they are. Double-check the care label.

3. Vacuum all sides of the mattress.

Use the upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner to clean the entire mattress. Make sure to pay attention to seams.

4. Use a stain remover to spot-clean your mattress

Now, it is time to clean the mattress. Do not soak the mattress in water, or apply any cleaning solutions directly to it. For example, memory foam is not supposed to be wet. It’s important to be cautious and remember that less is better.

Spot-cleaning is possible using a stain remover. The type of stain you have and your mattress will determine the stain remover that you use. An enzyme cleaner is best for biological stains. Use the cleaner to spray onto a white cloth and then use the cloth to blot the stain. You can then use cold water on a clean, dry cloth to continue blotting the area until it lifts. This is where you want to use as little product as possible. This is a great way to get rid of blood, sweat, vomit and urine as well as other stains.

You can also make your own DIY cleaner by mixing dish soap and water. The foam will be applied to the stain. A DIY solution can be made with equal parts hydrogen peroxide and cold water.

5. Sprinkle baking soda over the whole mattress

Baking soda can be used if your mattress is too cold to put out in the sunlight. Spread a layer of baking soda over the entire mattress. Leave it for several hours or apply before you go on an overnight trip. Baking soda can be used to absorb and break down any acid. Baking soda will perform better if left on the mattress for longer. To let sunlight in, place the baking soda on the mattress. Any mold or bacteria found on your mattress will be killed by the sun’s UV rays.

6. Vacuum again

After the baking soda has done its magic, vacuum it thoroughly. If you have a headboard made of fabric, it’s time to vacuum it. It’s time to get a new start on everything bed-related.

7. Flip the mattress

Flip the mattress once you have cleaned one side. Repeat steps 1-5 until both sides are clean and fresh. Regardless of whether you are deep cleaning your mattress, flipping should be done regularly. Although it is the norm to flip your mattress every three months, this rule only applies to spring mattresses as they tend to compress over time. You should check with the manufacturer of your mattress to ensure that they are not becoming more specific. For example, the Casper foam mattress only requires that it be turned 180 degrees every few months. The top pad of Duxiana’s Dux mattress can be flipped and turned only.

As a rule, you should flip your mattress every three months. If you notice any sagging, it is worth doing more frequently. Regular mattress flipping will ensure that your mattress lasts longer and wears more evenly.

8. Protect your mattress

It’s now time to protect your mattress. After your mattress is completely dry, you can cover it with a mattress protector. This will make cleaning and protecting the mattress from dirt and spills. Bed bugs

9. A fitted sheet will keep dust out

Neil says that fitted sheets should be regularly washed and the mattress’s surrounding area kept clean. Ed says that mattress encasements can protect mattresses and boxsprings from dust mite infestations. This is especially important for people with asthma or allergies.

Although cleaning a mattress can prolong its life and make it more comfortable, all good things must end. Consider buying a new mattress after eight years. Ed says that sagging and body impressions are signs that the mattress is no longer supporting you properly. Neil says, “It is also important to pay attention to your body.” If you wake up in pain every morning or have trouble sleeping at night, it is time to get on with your life. “

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