How much do you get a week for fostering a child in Ireland?

How much do you get a week for fostering a child in Ireland?

We know that providing support is essential to help you feel confident and competent in your job. We are here to support you in any way we can. We are proud of the contribution foster carers make to the lives of young people. Foster carers are provided with solid support to ensure they can provide high-quality care for the children they care for.

There are two weekly rates for Foster Care Allowance

  • Children aged 0-12 years EUR325.00
  • Children 12 years old and over: EUR352.00

The allowance does not affect state or tax benefits. The Child and Family Agency has a policy regarding the proper use of the Fostering Allowance.

Other supports include:

  • Regular home visits by your fostering link worker and phone contact with them;
  • Every child in your care is assigned a social worker, who visits them and keeps in touch with their birth families.
  • Each child you care for will be eligible for child benefit.
  • If you are caring to a pre-schooler, support from your public nurse;
  • Comprehensive training program pre- and post-approval
  • One year free membership to Irish Foster Care Association
  • Every child in foster care will receive a medical card.

After extensive consultation, Tusla introduced the Standardised National Aftercare allowance for young people who were in care for more than 12 months before their 16th birthday. The weekly standardised allowance of EUR300 per semaine ensures equal access for all care leavers who are involved in education and training.

How much do you get a week for fostering a child in Ireland?
How much do you get a week for fostering a child in Ireland?
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